How to complete and submit the Reading Essentials and Science Notebook worksheet assignments in Inspire Biology and Inspire Chemistry

Many of the assignments in Inspire Biology and Inspire Chemistry are in the form of downloadable worksheets. These include the Reading Essentials and Science Notebook assignments.

To complete these assignments, begin by navigating to the assignment page by clicking on the link to the assignment from your Dashboard page or from your Assignments page in your Inspire account.

Click on the link under Assignment Content to open the worksheet in a new tab in your browser.

Before you begin working on the assignment, you should save the worksheet to your chromebook (or whatever device you are using to access the Inspire site.

To do this, click on the download icon in the bar at the top of the worksheet’s window:

This will display a file download window as seen here. Click on the Save button to save the file to your device.

Once the file is saved on your device, you can then open it to complete the worksheet. To open the file, swipe up from the bottom of your screen until you see the “’Files” button:

Click on this button to display the files on your Chromebook.


Once you have located your file, double-click on it to open it.

Answer all of the questions in the worksheet to the best of your ability. When you have finished, or if you need to leave your computer for any reason, save your work by clicking on the download icon again. This time, you will see a small drop-down menu that appears under the download icon giving you the choice between “Edited” and “Original”. You must select “Edited” to save your work.

When you click “Edited”, the Save File As box will appear.

Click “Save” to save your work. The system will display a message warning you that there is already a file on your device with this name. This tells you that you will be replacing the old file with your new version, so you should click on the “OK” button to continue.

When you have completed all of the questions and saved your work, return to the assignment page and scroll to the bottom to find the “Submission Content” section.

You will be using the “Upload File” method of submitting your work. Click on the “browse” link to open the file selection window:


Double-click on your file to select it. A progress bar indicating the status of the uploading progress of your file will appear briefly, followed by the addition of an icon representing your file, the name of the file, the date and time you uploaded it. You will also note that there is a link labeled “View”, which you may click to confirm that you uploaded the correct file, as well as a trash can icon, which you can click to remove this file if you wish to replace it.

If you do decide to replace the file you have submitted, you will need to click the “Add Another” button on this page to display the “Browse” link that will allow you to upload your replacement file.